Passing Clouds

#15 Jen

I am compelled to face my ugly, younger self to write about her. This is our story…

Passing Clouds

#16 Jaslyn

She was a plain Jane+. What brought us together? Read on…

Passing Clouds

#11 Dorothy

She did whatever she could for me. Find out how I repaid her kindness…

Passing Clouds

#03 Bernis

I gave my first time to her. And this is our story…

Passing Clouds

#01 Rosa

The relationship that shaped the rest. My first love…or so I thought. This is our story…

Passing Clouds

#22 Chu

I met her while I was on an exchange programme in Guam. 14 days may not be a long period, but it etched well in my mind. Here’s our story…

Blog Passing Clouds

#00 Yun 芸

Yun and I were never together. But why do I care enough to write about her? Tap the title to read about us.

Passing Clouds

#07 Vann: 旧爱还是最美

We were born on the same year, same day, stayed in the same estate and studied in the same class. Here’s our story…

Passing Clouds

#08 Sheena

I stayed faithful throughout our relationship. But the ghosts of our past caught up with us. This is our story…

Passing Clouds

#00 Faith

It was love at sight on the first day of Primary 2. Right, I was only 7. Read what I learned from this puppy love…