
Son’s note to us

Once in a while, son would leave us notes. The messages can be of apologies, appreciations or subtle hints to buy for him a certain toy. Why do I post this particular note? Read on… I think he drafted his first Disclaimer. Very considerate of him 🙂

Passing Clouds

#04 Cynthia

Our affinity spanned between 1987 to 1994, in three short durations. And this is our story…

Passing Clouds

#10 Joanna

I have my suspicions, but I am not sure. Was she pregnant when we broke off? I really am not sure. This is our story…


Peak Nights: Nights that I don’t party

Frankly speaking, every night is a party night to me. But not Peak Nights: Wednesday, Friday & Saturday? Here’s why: Back in the 90s, many famous discos & pubs in Singapore made Wednesday, Ladies’ Night. Friday & Saturday are weekends. So, no further explanation needed right? These were what I call Peak Nights of the […]


Staying sober

Back in the 90s, I would spent about 4 out of 7 nights drunk. The other 3 were what I classified as Peak Nights. More of that in another post. My urine color was of the same as the Martell or Long Island Tea that I drank on most nights. Didn’t care, hydrated more. The […]

Passing Clouds

#21 Elaine: Drama drama

I was on a hiatus. But turned into a ‘vampire’ instead. #Entry by invitation. An episode with Ms Drama…

Passing Clouds

#05 Estee: One Night Stands

She was unique in many ways. Her name, her dressings…This is our short story…

Passing Clouds

#19 The girl who cried “Rape!”

I was accused of rape. Find out how it starts and how it ends…

Passing Clouds

#14 Lil

Why did I set myself up to want to compensate her? Tap the title to read our story…

Passing Clouds

#17 Lis: Vindiction

Every action, has a reaction. What did we cause? What were the effects? Read on to find out about our Karma…