Passing Clouds

#05 Estee: One Night Stands

She was unique in many ways. Her name, her dressings…This is our short story…

Early Feb 1994, Tornado Disco, Hotel Phoenix

It was a Sunday night. After two hours of waiting, I was quite positive that Nicole would not be showing up. Tipsy and disappointed, I finished the remaining half a glass of Martell neat in one gulp in preparation to leave.

That was when I saw this girl walk in. I estimated her at about 1.65m, her hair-length slightly above shoulder, a white dress with bright flora prints and a broad belt over her slim waistline. My eyes followed her till she was seated onto a stool beside the bar counter and ordered for herself a glass of what looked like Apricot Brandy.

After observing her for awhile, it seemed to be that she was chilling out alone. Might as well. Said my thoughts.

Maintaining my sights on her awaiting for a moment when she turned towards the general direction where I was seated. It did not take very long for that to happen. I put up the best smile that my face could afford, lift my glass to gesture a toast, which she reciprocated. Taking that as a positive sign, I made my moved for the introduction.

Upon getting her name, I could not help but felt that I was quite backwards in English names. The only other Estee I knew owned a cosmetic company.

Estee shared that she was from Hong Kong. Interesting. I thought. Her naked body flashed through my imagination and I wondered what shades of pink her nipples would be.

Well, only one way to find out.

As the patronage was sparse that night, we got to enjoy more services & attention from the waitresses. Which also resulted in hastened exhaustion of our beverages. Under the influence of alcohol which also amplified our emotions, we started kissing. Occasionally, I would rub my thumb on her clothed breast.

After the end of disco, we continued our escalated hanky-panky in a dark corner behind Hotel Phoenix. While half of my middle finger was wriggling inside Estee’s slippery vagina, she asked if I wanted her. I nodded and asked if she had any place in mind to continue our monkey business. I was expecting her to offer her hotel room. But nope, she did not. We ended up in Amber Ville Hotel.

That was my first experience checking into a short-time motel. It was an inexpensive way of buying a few hours of comfort and privacy. The check-in process was direct and hassle-free. I liked the motel staff’s professionalism.

In the room, I could see Estee’s cheeks flushed, and hear her hastened breathing. And I had not started stripping her yet.
Speaking of stripping, she was the first girl who made me felt like I was peeling onion. Starting from her:

– Waist-belt
– The dress that was difficult to unzip
– A white sleeveless tank-top
– Bras that revealed a pair of 34Bs. (For the record, her nips were a tone lighter than beige.)
– Petticoat. Seriously? People still wear that?
and finally, Panties with a panties-liner

I lost some sex-drive by the time I got her naked, which turned out to her benefits. I worked hard to achieve a difficult shot. I fell asleep shortly after.

I was not sure how long I was gone before I was woken up by a weird feeling on my penis. Estee was attempting to orally revive my limpy organ. I was about to push her head away when her tongue painted somewhere near the base of my shaft and it went on attention.

I rolled myself up and mounted her once more. She got her reward, not by my intention, but from the slow recovery of my testosterone. It took me a long while to finally eject a few drops of my life juice onto her tummy before collapsing onto the bed, and slipped into screensaver mode once more. (Right, you realized. That was not a typo in this post’s title)

In the shower, my sleepiness went off when I noticed from the mirror, a love-bud on my neck. Damned! I would not be able to date Nicole for the next three days.


Few nights after, my colleague Alvin and I were enjoying our drinks at Tornado when Estee came from behind and kissed me on my cheek. I cursed in my mind when Estee sat beside me.

Nicole would be stepping in anytime. Come on…think. My mind spun.

“I had been here for the past two nights looking for you.” Estee informed.

I gave a quick nod before turning back to chat with Alvin.

“I could only come here because I have no other way to contact you.” She continued.

“Whatever for?”

“I…I mean, you are my boyfriend. I’m looking for you.”

Damned! She has fallen for me? No. No way.

“Estee, I think I made a mistake. I thought you are a player, like me.” I said coldly.

Estee seems to be taken aback by my words. She was silent for a moment.

“Player?” She said in a soft tone.

“Yes. You seemed familiar with checking into those short-time motel.”

While Estee was processing my words, “Now, excuse us for a moment.”

I turned to Alvin, “Come with me. I need to talk to you.”

Pulling Alvin aside. “Buddy, I need you to deal with Estee for me tonight.”

“Deal? With her? What do you mean?” Alvin said. Puzzled.

“Nicole will be reaching here anytime from now. I’m in the process of making her mine, and I want to avoid any potential issues.”

“So, what do you want me to do?” Alvin asked.

“Keep her company. Drink with her. Because I just broke her heart.” I said.

Alvin seemed reluctant.

“You know buddy? A girl just fallen out of love makes an easy target. Why? Because a part of her heart was taken away. That vacuum can be easily filled up when given the right care. Generally so. Add the effects of alcohol and the success rate multiplied.” I pitched.

“Look at her, and look around the disco…she is better looking than most of the girls here right?” I continued.

Alvin nodded.

“And let me tell you buddy. She’s good.” I gave him a sheepish look.

“Now, it’s up to you to decide if you are up to it.” I gibed.

“Of course I am up to it.” Alvin said as he shot his back straight.

Males…predictable animals. The thought drew an upwards curve on my mouth.

Raising from my seat, I pointed to the Martell on the table.

“Both of you help yourselves to this bottle.”

As I stood to leave, Estee held onto my arm. Not allowing her a chance to open her mouth, “It was nice to have you, Estee. Goodbye.”

Estee loosened her grip and I walked off without turning back.

Lucky for me, I intercepted Nicole before the disco entrance and convinced bring our date elsewhere. She brought me to another disco called Xanadu in Shangri-la Hotel. Read up on Nicole here.


The next day when I saw Alvin, “Hey buddy, how was last night?”

“It was great. I think she likes me. I almost had her.” Alvin replied.

What a way to say it. Almost means didn’t. Men. My mind chuckled.

“Oh, good to hear that.” I patronized. “Thanks for your help, buddy.”

I had not seen Estee since then. Perhaps, she had returned to Hong Kong.



Thanks & with apologies. Wish you well, Estee.

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