
My thoughts on back-stabbing

Couple of posts prior, I shared briefly on how I deal with myself when it comes to misplaced trust.

Recently, one of my colleagues asked me if I had been back-stabbed.

My answer was an obvious “Yes.”

Follow up question…How do I feel about it?

I could not provide a direct answer but here’s my take…

Putting aside whatever reasons that got me stabbed, there is one immutable fact that I took comfort in, and you should take comfort in it too if you had been in similar situation.

We can only get back-stabbed from someone who is behind us.

And I would like to add on with, the more, the merrier.

So, eat my dust, backstabber/s…yeeehaaa!

3 replies on “My thoughts on back-stabbing”

Hi Lauren, you’re welcome.
While we cannot stop what others may do to us, we can manage how we deal with our thoughts and emotions.
Thank you for stopping by 🙏

I love this outlook on people who have stabbed you in the back. They are behind you, so already in the past and clearly that’s where they belong. Thank you for sharing.

Lauren – bournemouthgirl

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