
Why I carry a family photo in my wallet

Colleagues and friends are always curious on how I manage to maintain my balance and keep my cool. It’s no secret actually, I carry a family photo in my wallet. Whenever I am faced with challenges, had a bad day or when the going gets tough. One look at the family photo and everything seems […]


Paternal Delivery: Welcoming my child into this realm

How many men had a chance to deliver their own child? With gratitude, I share my special experience… That evening, I was still at work when Moon called to inform that her water-bag burst. My colleague hurried me off and I remembered his words clearly, “Just go, we will return your gears. And drive safe.” […]


A quick note on Humor

Just learnt this from my colleague… “Humor…the best medicine. But if you catch yourself laughing for no reason, you need medicine.” So, if you would excuse me now, I think I need my meds.  


What’s with this logo?

What is the gender of the tiger in this logo? Click on the title to find out…


How would you interpret this message?

City Square Mall, Singapore Saw this sticker message on the urinal while I was taking a leak. In fact, there is one on every urinal in the Gents. What I think it meant: “This toilet is not haunted.”   __________ What other funny interpretations can you come up with?


What is the most used equipment in the gym?

When I asked my colleagues what was the most used equipment in the gym, some said it was the bench press, some insisted it was the bar bell, most female colleagues agreed it was the treadmill. Guess what? It was the mirror. What do you think? Alright, that all for now. Till my next post, […]


Son’s note to us

Once in a while, son would leave us notes. The messages can be of apologies, appreciations or subtle hints to buy for him a certain toy. Why do I post this particular note? Read on… I think he drafted his first Disclaimer. Very considerate of him 🙂

Passing Clouds

#04 Cynthia

Our affinity spanned between 1987 to 1994, in three short durations. And this is our story…

Passing Clouds

#10 Joanna

I have my suspicions, but I am not sure. Was she pregnant when we broke off? I really am not sure. This is our story…


Peak Nights: Nights that I don’t party

Frankly speaking, every night is a party night to me. But not Peak Nights: Wednesday, Friday & Saturday? Here’s why: Back in the 90s, many famous discos & pubs in Singapore made Wednesday, Ladies’ Night. Friday & Saturday are weekends. So, no further explanation needed right? These were what I call Peak Nights of the […]