
Creature of habits

I had this colleague who preferred to pay for sex than have an affair…

Tap the title to find out more.

I had this colleague who preferred to pay for sex than have an affair.

“For $150, you fire & forget. No string attached.” He shared.


One fine morning, he sat down beside my desk, “You have a moment for me?”

I could see that he looked troubled. “Something happened?”

He nodded and started relating…

“This morning when I woke up and in a blurry state, I gave $200 to my wife. You know? Like paying the girls for their service?”

I was like, “What the! So what now? Your wife wants to divorce you?”

He shook his head, “Bro, it’s far worse…She returned me a $50 note.”


It’s a joke of course, and, I hope you had a good laugh.


“Laughter…the best medicine. But if you catch yourself laughing for no reason, You need medicine.”

Till the next post, Namaste.

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