
End state

What does 6 + 3 or 1 + 8 or rather, 11 – 2 have in common? Read on to find out.

What does 6 + 3 or 1 + 8 or rather, 11 – 2 have in common?

Yes…they all equal to 9.

If we take 9 as an example for an end-state, does it make sense to you that the above mentioned shows different ways of reaching a conclusion?

Always remember to reserve our judgement when others are not following our way of doing things…For your way is but one of the many ways to Rome.

Till the next post, take good care of yourselves.


2 replies on “End state”

Totally agree with this, especially in writing. So many people like to think that their way is the best way, but there are many paths leading to the same goals. We just need to find our own. Anyway, thanks for this post!

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